Ei核心-10th ICCIA2025 Haikou, China

ICCIA 2025-Haikou (海口市)

2025 the 10th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Applications (ICCIA)


August 15-17, 2025
Venue: Haikou, China (中国 海南省 海口市)


Important Information/重要信息

Important Dates/重要日期:

Submission Deadline: March 05, 2025
Notification of Acceptance: April 05, 2025
Registration Deadline: April 20, 2025

Conference Details/会议信息:

Conference Date: August 15-17, 2025
Conference Venue: Haikou, China/中国 海南省 海口市
Contact Email: iccia@zhconf.ac.cn

OverviewWelcome AddressPublication&IndexingRegistration DetailsConference ProgramPresentation GuidelinesConference TracksLatest News


Welcome to the official website of the 2025 the 10th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Applications (ICCIA), which will be held in Haikou, China, during August 15-17, 2025, co-sponsored by Hainan University, hosted by School of Computer Science and Technology (Hainan University, China), co-hosted by Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway) .

欢迎参加2025年第10届计算智能与应用国际会议(ICCIA), 此次会议由海南大学主办, 海南大学计算机科学与技术学院承办, 挪威科技大学合办,将于2025年8月15-17日在海南省海口市举办!


Computational Intelligence (CI) is the theory, design, application and development of biologically and linguistically motivated computational paradigms. Traditionally the three main pillars of CI have been Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Evolutionary Computation. However, in time many nature inspired computing paradigms have evolved. Thus CI is an evolving field and at present in addition to the three main constituents, it encompasses computing paradigms like ambient intelligence, artificial life, cultural learning, artificial endocrine networks, social reasoning, and artificial hormone networks. CI plays a major role in developing successful intelligent systems, including games and cognitive developmental systems. Over the last few years there has been an explosion of research on Deep Learning, in particular deep convolutional neural networks. Nowadays, deep learning has become the core method for artificial intelligence. In fact, some of the most successful AI systems are based on CI.

The ICCIA is a refereed conference dedicated to the theory and applications of computational intelligence (artificial neural networks, fuzzy systems, evolutionary computation and hybrid systems). The main goal of this conference is to provide the scientific community and industry with a vehicle whereby ideas using two or more conventional and computational intelligence based techniques could be discussed.

The ICCIA welcomes original works in areas such as neural networks, fuzzy logic, evolutionary computation, pattern recognition, hybrid intelligent systems, symbolic machine learning, statistical models, image/audio/video compression and retrieval. The ICCIA greatly encourages new ideas, combining two or more areas, such as neuro-fuzzy, neuro-symbolic, neuro-evolutionary, neuro-symbolic, neuro-pattern recognition, fuzzy-evolutionary, evolutionary-symbolic, fuzzy-evolutionary, evolutionary-symbolic, fuzzy-symbolic, etc. to be submitted.



Co-sponsored by



Hosted by                                                                                                                                                                                           



Co-hosted by                                                                                                                                                                                           






Welcome Address

After a successful organization of the international conference series of Computational Intelligence and Applications in Jeju (South Korea) in 2016, in Beijing (sponsored by North China University of Technology, China) in 2017, in Hongkong in 2018, in Nanchang (sponsored by Nanchang University, China) in 2019, 2020 virtual conference (supported by School of Computer and Information Engineering (BTBU), China), in Xiamen (sponsored by Huaqiao University, China) in 2021, in Nanjing (sponsored by Nanjing Tech University, China) in 2022, in Haikou (co-sponsored by Hainan University) in 2023 and 2024, now we have its 10th event in Haikou, China this year again. This year’s international conference continues its aim to provide a forum for accessing to the most up-to-date and authoritative knowledge from both industrial and academic worlds, sharing best practice in the field of Computational Intelligence and Applications.

The objective of the conference is to address and deliberate on the latest technical status and recent trends in the research and applications of Computational Intelligence and Applications. This conference has been designed with the view to provide an opportunity for researchers and engineers from both industrial and academic to interact and exchange their new ideas and research outcomes for future collaboration.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank many people. First and foremost we want to express our deep appreciation to keynote speakers, session chairs, as well as all the reviewers for their efforts and kind help in this congress. Final thanks go to all authors and participants at ICCIA 2025 for contributing to the conference and make it a successful event.


Conference Organizing Committee

Publication & Indexing/出版与检索

After a careful reviewing process, all accepted and presented papers after proper registration and presentation, will be published into ICCIA Conference Proceedings



--ICCIA 2023 conference proceedings have been included in IEEE Xplore, and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus. ICCIA 2023会议论文集已成功被IEEE收录, 以及被Ei Compendex和Scopus检索.

--ICCIA 2022 conference proceedings have been included in IEEE Xplore, and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus. ICCIA 2022会议论文集已成功被IEEE收录, 以及被Ei Compendex和Scopus检索.

--ICCIA 2021 conference proceedings have been included in IEEE Xplore, and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus. ICCIA 2021会议论文集已成功被IEEE收录, 以及被Ei Compendex和Scopus检索.

--ICCIA 2020 conference proceedings have been included in IEEE Xplore, and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus. ICCIA 2020会议论文集已成功被IEEE收录, 以及被Ei Compendex和Scopus检索.

--ICCIA 2019 conference proceedings have been included in IEEE Xplore, and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus. ICCIA 2019会议论文集已成功被IEEE收录, 以及被Ei Compendex和Scopus检索.

--ICCIA 2018 conference proceedings have been included in IEEE Xplore, and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus. ICCIA 2018会议论文集已成功被IEEE收录, 以及被Ei Compendex和Scopus检索.

--ICCIA 2017 conference proceedings have been included in IEEE Xplore, and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus. ICCIA 2017会议论文集已成功被IEEE收录, 以及被Ei Compendex和Scopus检索.

--ICCIA 2016 conference proceedings have been included in IEEE Xplore, and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus. ICCIA 2016会议论文集已成功被IEEE收录, 以及被Ei Compendex和Scopus检索.



Registration Details/注册信息

  Category EARLY BIRD
Before April 20
After April 20
Regular Registration   Authors (Student) $500/¥3500 $530/¥3700
 Authors (IEEE Member) $530/¥3700 $550/¥3900
 Authors (Committees) $530/¥3700 $550/¥3900
  Authors (Regular) $550/¥3900 $580/¥4100
  Presenter (Onsite Presentation Only) $350/¥2500 $400/¥2800
For Delegate without submission Delegate(Onsite) $250/¥1750 $300/¥2100
Other Items   Additional Paper $380/¥2700/per one $380/¥2700/per one
  Additional Page $50/¥350/per one $50/¥350/per one
Extra Proceeding(hard copy) $70/¥500/per one $70/¥500/per one
  One Day Tour (optional) $80/¥550 --------

For those who don't have paper/abstract to submit, you're welcome to attend as Delegate/Audience. You're simply required to fill out the information online for delegates and proceed with the payment before registration deadline. We'll contact you after we reviewed the registration. Register Now! (Fill information and pay online)

Tentative Conference Program (Pending)/日程概要


Please arrange your schedule as per below brief program. The detailed arrangement will be updated in July, 2025.


August 15, 2025

10:00am – 05:00pm Registration (作者前往报道并领取相关会议资料)

(Day 1): The first day is all about registration, participants are supposed to sign in at the conference venue and collect all the conference materials at the registration counter on this day from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. However, the registration is still open on the 2nd day of the conference within the same time.


August 16, 2025
09:00am – 09:10am Opening Remarks by Honorary Chair or Conference Chair (院领导致辞)

09:10am – 09:50am Keynote Speech (特邀专家报告)

09:50am – 10:30am Keynote Speech (特邀专家报告)

10:30am – 10:50am Group Photo & Morning Coffee Break (集体照/茶歇)

10:50am – 11:30am Keynote Speech (特邀专家报告)

11:30am – 12:10am Keynote Speech (特邀专家报告)

12:10am – 13:30am Lunch  (午餐)
13:30pm – 15:30pm Parallel Sessions  (分会报告)
15:30pm – 16:00pm Evening Tea Break (下午茶歇)
04:00pm – 06:30pm Parallel Sessions (分会报告)

(Day 2): The conference chair will be hosting a opening ceremony around 9:00 am in the morning, and all the participants are supposed to be there, then the keynote speakers will deliver their spectacular speeches and share their cutting-edge research fruits with the participants. During the intermission, there will be a photo session for all the participants to take a group photo. Participants' presentations are divided into different sessions based on the conference topics, participants should find the right session room and be there at least 15 minutes earier to copy his ppt/pdf presentation into the laptop and get ready. Then the session chair will start the session on time, and give a grade to each presentation, which should be within 15 minutes, including Q&A. At the end of each session, the best presentations will be announced and the certificates will be awarded.


August 17, 2025

09:00am – 17:00pm One day tour


Instructions For Presentation/报告指导

Oral Presentation

Contributed oral presentations are 15 minutes long, including 5 minutes for questions and discussion. The paper must be presented by one of the author or co-authors. Oral presentations are to be made either using your laptop or the PC that will be available in the session room (Windows system + Power point). Please come to the session room with your laptop or pen drive having your presentation file. There will be a volunteer on hand to assist in starting each presentation.

Poster Presentation

Size: A1
Layout: Vertical and one page needed
Be consistent with font (3 fonts max).
Use italics, underlining & capitals sparingly.
Charts/Tables: keep simple, enlarge text, thicken lines; default formatting is rarely appropriate.

Colour scheme: use 2-3 different colours plus black, which is always best for the smallest text. Use colours from your images or a colour wheel (analogous, complementary or shades).


You must provide your own printout of the poster itself. One of the paper author or co-authors must be present and available for discussion at the poster session. Posters will be on display in the conference room.

Conference Tracks & Topics/征稿主题_

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Fuzzy Theory and System/模糊理论与系统

Fuzzy Systems

· 模糊系统

Fuzzy logic and fuzzy set theory

· 模糊逻辑与模糊集合论

Fuzzy-neuro-evolutionary -rough hybrids

· 模糊神经进化粗糙杂种

Fuzzy and rough data analysis

· 模糊粗略的数据分析

Fuzzy optimization and design

· 模糊优化与设计

Fuzzy decision making

· 模糊决策

Fuzzy systems modeling and identification

· 模糊系统建模与识别

Fuzzy mathematics

· 模糊数学

Fuzzy systems architectures and hardware

· 模糊系统架构和硬件

Fuzzy pattern recognition

· 模糊模式识别

Fuzzy image processing

· 模糊图像处理

Fuzzy control and systems

· 模糊控制和系统

Fuzzy data mining and forecasting

· 模糊数据挖掘与预测

Fuzzy information processing

· 模糊信息处理

Fuzzy human interface

· 模糊的人机界面

Fuzzy internet and multimedia

· 模糊的互联网和多媒体

Fuzzy computing with words

· 用词进行模糊计算

Pattern recognition

· 模式识别

expert system

· 专家系统











Artificial Neural Networks/人工神经网络

Artificial immune systems

· 人工免疫系统

Artificial life

· 人工生命

Associative memories

· 联想记忆

Brain Imaging and neural information processing

· 脑成像和神经信息处理

Brain compuComputational neuroscienceter interface

· 脑计算计算神经科学接口

Connectionist theory and cognitive science

· 联结主义理论和认知科学

Classifier systems

· 分级系统

Cognitive systems and applications

· 认知系统和应用

Mathematical modeling of neural systems

· 神经系统的数学建模

Neuroinformatics and bioinformatics

· 神经信息学和生物信息学

Neural Networks

· 神经网络

Neurodynamic analysis

· 神经动力学分析

Neurodynamic optimization and adaptive dynamic programming

· 神经动力学优化和自适应动态规划

Learning rules and methods

· 学习规则与方法

Supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning

· 有监督、无监督和强化学习

Intrusion detection and fault diagnosis

· 入侵检测与故障诊断

Embedded neural systems

· 嵌入式神经系统

Estimation of Distribution Algorithms

· 分布算法的估计

Time series analysis

· 时间序列分析












Evolutionary Computing/进化计算

Ant colony optimization

· 蚁群优化

Coevolution and collective behaviour

· 共同进化和集体行为

Combinatorial and numerical optimization

· 组合和数值优化

Constraint and uncertainty handling

· 约束和不确定性处理

Differential evolution Data mining

· 差分进化数据挖掘

Evolutionary computation for bioinformatics

· 生物信息学的进化计算

Evolutionary computation in dynamic and uncertain environments

· 动态和不确定环境中的进化计算

Evolutionary computer vision

· 进化计算机视觉

Evolutionary data mining

· 进化数据挖掘

Evolutionary design

· 进化设计

Evolutionary games

· 进化游戏

Evolutionary intelligent agents

· 进化智能代理

Evolutionary learning systems

· 进化学习系统

Evolutionary robotics

· 进化机器人

Evolutionary techniques in economics, finance and marketing

· 经济、金融和市场营销中的进化技术

Evolvable hardware and software

· 可进化的硬件和软件

Evolving neural networks and fuzzy systems

· 进化的神经网络和模糊系统

Granular computing

· 粒计算

Hybrid optimisation algorithms

· 混合优化算法

Hybrid intelligent systems

· 混合智能系统

Robotic and control applications

· 机器人和控制应用

Swarm Intelligence

· 群体智能

Theory of evolutionary computation

· 进化计算理论

Molecular and quantum computing

· 分子和量子计算


Latest News/最新消息

ICCIA 2023 conference proceedings have been included in the IEEE Xplore. ICCIA 2023会议论文集已成功被IEEE收录.

ICCIA 2022 conference proceedings have been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus. ICCIA 2022会议论文集已成功Ei Compendex和Scopus检索. (会后三个月)

ICCIA 2022 conference proceedings have been included in the IEEE Xplore. ICCIA 2022会议论文集已成功被IEEE收录. (会后一个月)

ICCIA 2021 conference proceedings have been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus. ICCIA 2021会议论文集已成功Ei Compendex和Scopus检索.

学院公众号同步ICCIA 2022会议信息. (点击进入)

ICCIA 2021 conference proceedings have been included in the IEEE Xplore. ICCIA 2021会议论文集已成功被IEEE收录.

ICCIA 2020 conference proceedings have been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus. ICCIA 2020会议论文集已成功被Ei Compendex and Scopus检索.

ICCIA 2020 conference proceedings have been included in the IEEE Xplore. ICCIA 2020会议论文集已成功被IEEE收录,

ICCIA 2019 cconference proceedings have been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus. ICCIA 2019会议论文集已成功被Ei Compendex and Scopus检索.

ICCIA 2019 cconference proceedings have been included in the IEEE Xplore. ICCIA 2019会议论文集已成功被IEEE收录

ICCIA 2018 conference proceedings has been included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus. ICCIA 2018会议论文集已成功被IEEE Xplore 收录, 并成功被Ei Compendex和Scopus检索.

南昌大学信息工程学院发布将举办ICCIA 2019会议的新闻! (了解更多)

 ICCIA 2017 conference proceedings has been indexed by IEEE Xplore and Scopus. ICCIA 2017会议论文集已成功被Ei核心以及Scopus检索! 

 ICCIA 2017 conference proceedings has been included in the . ICCIA 2017会议论文集已成功被IEEE收录!

 北方工业大学关于ICCIA 2017会后报道! (了解更多)

ICCIA 2017 can be checked in Sciencemeeting Online, which is run by Chinese Ministry of Education! ICCIA 2017已进入中国学术会议在线!

ICCIA 2017 has been in the lEEE conference list. (Read More)

 ICCIA 2016 conference proceedings have been indexed by Ei compendex and Scopus successfully.  ICCIA 2016会议论文集已成功被Ei核心以及Scopus检索!

 ICCIA 2016 conference proceedings has been included in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. ICCIA 2016会议论文集已成功被IEEE收录!


Venue: Hainan University/海南大学 (Haikou, China/中国 海南省 海口市)
Online Submission